September 25, 2010

Progress on the Music Room!

As mentioned before in a few of the previous posts, the music room is being renovated to house the new music instruments purchased through your contributions. Although the materials had been purchased during the summer, the custodians were too busy helping to renovate other parts of the school to get to the music room. Anyhow, it is being done now. Both music teachers and myself are very, very excited!

Side note: Life as a Peace Corps Volunteer can be a thankless endeavor as outward gratitude is viewed by some as putting oneself into a subjugated position (at least this is my read on the situation). I must say, this cannot be further from the truth at the school which serves as my primary site. My colleagues could not be more gracious and generous in their thanks. Yesterday the finance lady, who has grandchildren at the school, listed all the improvements undertaken during my Peace Corps service, with the Music Program Revitalization being the jewel in the crown, and gave me great praise. While I was flattered, I reminded her that it was not me who made this happen, but it was achieved through your generosity and contributions. Again, on behalf of everyone at the school and in the community, thank you!

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